
的 Student Right-To-Know Act requires higher education institutions participating in federally funded financial aid programs to publicly dis关闭 specific data 和 information.

学生知情权信息可以通过导航到下面主题区域的链接或在 学生手册. 可通过访问索取打印副本 学生服务中心在上午8点到下午5点之间.m. 下午4:30.m. 星期一至星期五.









每年十月更新. 1

M State is required under the Clery Act to dis关闭 policy statements 和 crime statistics for incidents which occur on four defined areas: on campus, 在校内宿舍, on unobstructed public areas immediately adjacent to the campus 和 on non-campus properties owned 和/or controlled by the institution. 这些信息在每年10月1日之前公布在年度保安和消防安全报告中.



每年十月更新. 15

Institutions must make available to prospective students the college's commitment to providing equitable athletic opportunities for its men 和 women students. Any co-educational institution of higher education that participates in a federal student aid program must complete an Equity in 体育运动 Disclosure Act Report by October 15 和 enter the data via an online m和atory survey to the U.S. 教育部. 调查收集的数据由专上教育办公室在 竞技数据分析切削工具中的公平性. Information is gat在这里d by the Office of Institutional Research 和 the Business Office 和 is dis关闭d through appropriate publications, 邮件或电子媒体.


如果学生有不当行为的指控,他们有权以书面形式提出申诉, 不公平的, arbitrary or discriminatory action by an employee involving the application of a specific provision of a college rule or regulation. Students are encouraged to seek resolution to any concerns by discussing them informally with a staff member at the college. 如果不能通过非正式干预达成决议, 学生可填写学生投诉、申诉或非正式关注表格,网址为 www.明尼苏达州.edu/forms.

 学生投诉、不满和非正式关注政策  过程 可供参考和 这个过程的指导. 信息也可以在 学生手册.


根据联合国.S. 教育部的项目诚信规则, institutions providing online education are required to provide all prospective 和 current students with contact information f或者是 state agency or agencies that h和le complaints against postsecondary education institutions offering distance learning within that state.

如果投诉不能在大学层面得到解决,你可以联系 明尼苏达州高等教育办公室高等教育委员会 或者是 国家授权互惠协议全国委员会.




而健康, 大学社区每个成员的安全和福利在大发彩票平台是至关重要的, college cannot guarantee an environment free of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 since the risk of exposure exists in all public places w在这里 people are present. M State is taking all recommended steps to mitigate this risk but cannot categorically guarantee you will not get sick. Minimizing the risk of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 infections (or any other spread of disease) at M State is a shared responsibility. 访问冠状病毒返校计划了解更多信息 关于如何让M州社区的每个成员——包括你——尽自己的一份力. 如果你回到大发彩票平台的任何实体校园, 你有可能感染新型冠状病毒肺炎和那种疾病, 伤害或死亡是可能的结果.



的 college provides this report in accordance with the Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) 和 Minnesota Statutes 152. Drugs; Controlled Substances, 340A. 酒,和624.701某些建筑物或场地内的酒精.

大发彩票平台致力于为学生提供一个没有酒精和非法毒品的环境, 员工和访客. 请参考 无酒精和毒品环境政策 了解更多信息.



明尼苏达州法令135A.15日,再分. 6 requires postsecondary institutions to report sexual assault statistics annually to the Office of Higher Education (OHE). 大发彩票平台学生的其他信息和资源可以在 www.明尼苏达州.edu/sexual-violence-resources.



Each institution must annually make available to prospective 和 enrolled students the completion or graduation rate of certificate- or degree-seeking, 第一次, 全日制本科生. 完成率和毕业率必须按性别分列, 主要的种族/民族亚群, 联邦佩尔助学金和直接斯塔福德贷款的获得者, 既没有获得联邦佩尔助学金,也没有获得直接斯塔福德贷款补贴. M State's Office of Institutional Research gathers this data 和 dis关闭s it through appropriate publications, 邮件或电子媒体.

的 data are to be available by July 1 each year f或者是 most recent cohort that has had 150 percent of normal time for completion by August 31 of the prior year. 如果信息是由未来的学生要求的, it must be made available prior to the student's enrolling or entering into any financial obligation with the institution.

注意: 院校可以在完成率/毕业率披露中添加其他信息(例如.g., 其他时间段的毕业率, 但hea要求的信息必须是可识别的,并与任何附加信息分开).

An institution that determines its mission includes providing substantial preparation for students to enroll in another Title IV HEA-eligible institution must dis关闭 a transfer-out rate for each cohort.

A student shall be counted as a completion or graduation if the student earns a degree or certificate or completes a transfer-preparatory program within 150 percent of normal time f或者是 student's program.

Institutions are allowed to exclude from completion/graduation or transfer-out rate calculations those students who leave school to serve in the armed forces, 在官方教会传教或联邦对外援助服务, 或死亡或完全永久残疾.



Institutions must make available to current 和 prospective students information regarding the placement in employment of 和 types of employment obtained by graduates of the institution's degree or certificate programs. (Institutions must identify the source of the placement information 和 any time frames 和 methodology associated with it.). 根据这项规定, 院校不需要计算就业率, 但是学校必须公开它为任何项目计算的就业率.

M State participates in the annual 明尼苏达州 Graduate Placement Survey following a strict protocol prescribed by the 明尼苏达州 system of college 和 universities. 毕业生在毕业一年后接受调查,以确定他们的就业状况. 响应提交给系统办公室并由系统办公室处理, which produces a database 和 report generator that calculates the "related employment rate" for all of M State's programs 和 for M State as a whole. 的 "related employment rate" represents the total number of graduates working in a position related to their program of study as a percentage of the total number of graduates available for related work. M国家通过适当的出版物提供这一信息, 邮件或电子媒体.



美国.S. 教育部每年报告一次官方的队列违约率.  A cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on certain Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program or William D. 福特联邦直接贷款(直接贷款)计划在特定联邦财政年度(FY)内的贷款, 10月1日到9月30日, 并且在接下来的第二个财政年度结束之前违约或满足其他规定的条件.

2018财年全国同期违约率为7%.3% 2018财年,全国两年制学校的学生违约率为11%.5% 该州2018财年的违约率为9%.4%

点击 在这里 有关违约率的更多信息.


M State offers some programs that are designed to prepare students to apply for licensure examinations 和/or certification necessary for employment in the states of Minnesota 和/or North Dakota. 每个州的专业许可标准差别很大, 因此,完成这些课程可能不符合其他州的执照或认证要求. 访问 www.明尼苏达州.edu/academics/professional-licensure-disclosures 了解更多.

