
可访问性资源 at M State

M State is committed to ensuring equal access to our facilities, services and academic programs for students with disabilities. The Office of 可访问性资源 (formerly Disability Services) works in partnership with faculty, staff and students to remove disability-related barriers to education through reasonable accommodations for qualified students. We provide information and resources to support an environment that is accessible and inclusive for all individuals.

学生 seeking disability-related accommodations must self-dis关闭 the nature of their disability to the 可访问性资源 office. We serve currently enrolled students (including PSEO and concurrent) who experience barriers in school settings due to the impact of a diagnosis such as:

  • Mental health conditions (anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia)
  • Learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, reading, math)
  • 添加/多动症
  • 自闭症谱系障碍
  • 失明、视力丧失或受损的
  • 耳聋,耳聋,听力丧失
  • 身体残疾的
  • 脑损伤(TBI,脑震荡)
  • Severe allergies (food, environmental)
  • Chronic health conditions (diabetes, cancers, autoimmune disorders)
  • Other conditions that lead to disability
  • Temporary disabilities (broken bones, illness requiring ongoing treatment and/or hospitalization)

Get started with 可访问性资源

学生 who have a disability or believe they may have a disability will need to register with the 可访问性资源 Office to initiate accommodations and other supports.

  1. 应用. 完成 可访问性资源 Application.
  2. 员工发展. If you are enrolling into 员工发展 classes and you need accommodations, please click 在这里 to fill out the accommodations form.  
  3. 提交文档. Attach disability-related documentation* to the 可访问性资源 Application or provide an electronic copy of your documentation to the 可访问性资源 Coordinator.
  4. 检查你的电子邮件账户. Applications and documentation will be reviewed by 可访问性资源 personnel, and you will be contacted via your M State email address regarding next steps. For those enrolling into 员工发展 classes, please provide an active email address for correspondence regarding your accommodations.
  5. 满足并完成. Complete an intake application with 可访问性资源 staff to discuss reasonable and appropriate accommodations aimed at providing equal access to your courses, course materials or M State facilities.

*Examples of helpful documentation:

  • Copy of an IEP/504 Plan and most recent high school evaluation report
  • Psychological or neuropsychological evaluation
  • Letter from a qualified professional
  • 病历或病史
  • M State无障碍资源 索取文件 completed by a qualified professional
  • If you are requesting an ESA to live with you in campus housing on the 费格斯瀑布 campus, please have your provider fill out 这种形式. If you are living on the MSUM campus and attending classes at the M State 学习 campus, please follow the MSUM housing policies and procedures. 

Please note: 学生 may be asked to provide additional updated and/or relevant documentation during their time at M State.

Please make sure you fill out an application to request accommodations prior to submitting documentation. Without an application we cannot adequately process your request.

Accommodations are determined on an individual basis through an interactive request process and conversations between the student and 可访问性资源 personnel. Once a student is registered with M State无障碍资源, academic accommodation requests need to be made each semester for which an accommodation is needed. 学生 seeking to appeal the disability accommodations decision of the college, may file a 
歧视报告1B.1 form or Student Complaint or Grievance 在这里: 报告关注事项.


摩尔海德,MN 56560



M State strives to fully comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 第12101节, which prohibits discrimination in employment and public educational services on the basis of any individual's disability; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d) to ensure the campuses, website and on-line course offerings meet the requirements t在这里in.

M State follows 明尼苏达州 Board Policy 1B.4 Access and Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities.